You’ve come to the right place! Pre-approval makes buying a home a fast and seamless experience. It demonstrates to sellers that you’re a serious and qualified buyer, which can strengthen your position during negotiations. Let us help you take this step by identifying suitable lenders, preparing your application and guiding you through the complexities of the process.
However, if you’re a newcomer to property development, lack pre-sales, or require a higher loan-to-value ratio (LVR), obtaining finance may be more challenging, and the interest rates offered could be higher. In such cases, it’s crucial to leverage your strengths and explore alternative approaches, such as equity partnerships.
For instance, a group of shareholders with land and approved plans for an apartment complex could seek funding by offering equity in their company to a private investor. This arrangement provides the necessary funds for construction, and the investor becomes a partner in the project.
At Northcap, we’ve seen major developments funded in a variety of ways. We can help canvas a range of options, explaining the pros and cons of each.